What Are Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

10 human foods you definitely shouldn't feed your dog (and what to give them instead)

February 22, 2018

Food is an international language of love so it's totally natural that we sometimes find ourselves sharing a plate with our pups. Food is love, right? Well, maybe not.

Many of the foods we consider healthy for us can actually be dangerous and even fatal for our canine friends. Here are our top 10 do's and don'ts when it comes to dinner time with your doggo.

1. Macadamia nuts

Steer clear! Macadamia nut consumption in dogs can lead to a bunch of health issues and even be fatal. Protect your pet from paralysis, vomiting, elevated heart rate and fever by keeping them out of your macadamia stash.

Alternative: Peas or beans are a tasty, fresh snack for pups and a great source of vitamins C and K.

2.  Grapes, sultanas and currants

You may think all fruits and vegetables are safe for our fluffy little pals, but many are not. Grapes and their dried variations are actually poisonous for dogs and can cause vomiting, sluggishness and even kidney failure.

Alternative: Cooked sweet potato or pumpkin will provide your pooches with the sweet fix they crave with the added bonuses of beta carotene and good digestion.

3. Avocado

While the holy matrimony of avocado and toast is apparently now a staple in Aussie diets, sadly our puppers can't join in the fun. Avocado contains a toxin called persin, which is considered poisonous for dogs and other animals.

Alternative: Another creamy option is peanut butter. Containing protein, Vitamin B and heart healthy fats, this is a treat you can both enjoy.

4. Chewing gum

Many chewies contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxic for dogs (watch out for peanut butter too, as it also sometimes contains xylitol). Symptoms of xylitol poisoning can include seizures, vomiting and a loss of coordination. To keep your dog happy and healthy, you may just have to put up with eternal morning breath. The true price of love.

Alternative: Parsley – not only is it super simple to grow yourself, parsley also is a great breath freshener for our furry children.

5. Peaches and plums

With stone fruit season in full swing, be on alert. The seeds of both peaches and plums contain cyanide and are choking and digestive hazard for hounds. Keep these stone fruit away from those greedy paws.

Alternative: Apples. The fibre and A and C vitamins found in apples will provide your pet with a healthy digestive system and clean chompers. Make sure to take the seeds and core out to avoid choking. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, after all.

6. Onion and garlic

The foundation of many human meals, onion and garlic are a dangerous addition when it comes to canine diets. They attack the red blood cells in the body and can make your beloved pooch anaemic.

Alternative: Porridge is a great fibre-rich choice for any woofer with a fondness for human food. But make sure you avoid adding the 10 tablespoons of sugar you might plonk into your own bowl!

7. Ice cream

Like humans, our loyal companions are susceptible to lactose intolerances. If exposed, they can suffer from digestive issues and diarrhoea, so rule this cold indulgence out.

Alternative: Frozen berries make for a guilt-free post dinner pleasure for pups and are rich in antioxidants and fibre. Blend them up to make a pooch-friendly smoothie bowl (millennials rejoice).

8. Cooked bones

Many of us believe left-over carcasses make for a delicious doggy dinner, but don't be fooled. Cooked bones that are small and sharp can cause punctures in the digestive tracts of dogs.

Alternative: Raw bones wider than the width of your three middle fingers will make for a hazard-free puppy feast. (And shout out to Dennis from Arkaba Meats for the pro-bono bone in our photo below.)

 9. Coffee

Dog feeling lethargic? Lacking in energy? Don't turn to coffee. The caffeine in coffee will send your hound into a tail spin with restlessness, muscle twitching and fast breathing. In worst-case scenarios, coffee can even be fatal.

Alternative: Next time you think your fluffer needs a pick me up, try a banana. Just like for humans, bananas are a safe source of potassium, fibre and energy, and are also brilliant for heart health.

10. Alcohol

Our pooches weren't designed to process booze in the way we are, so keep your rebellious puppies away from all things beer, wine and spirits related. Alcohol consumption, as well as the yeast in many of these beverages, are toxic and can be lethal.

Alternative: Cold water or ice cubes will give doggo that refreshing 'ahhhh' moment, without any of the dangers of alcohol.

So now you know, sadly not all of our tasty human treats are so suitable for our beloved beasts. Ensuring their insides are as beautiful as their outsides is a tip-top priority, so if you and your pup tried and loved any of our suggestions, let us know in the comments below!

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What Are Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

Source: https://www.rspcasa.org.au/what-not-to-feed-dogs/

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